002- (uncut) rap therapy (EP; 4/25/18) - Jouquin Fox


1- patience (therapy 1)
2- rock when i'm alone
4- [self] pride (therapy 2)
5- end of session (acceptance)

this project exists in a day where i had a near infinite amount of time to do something. i was lonely, and there were 2 options: lie in my bed all day and watch t.v., feeling sorry for myself in the meantime. or create. my life has felt busy as of late, and this was a perfect venting point. thank you for rap.

i wrote and recorded this in a literal 2 hours on April 24th, 2018, over beats from my dude bivalvia building (willy black, thank you dear soul) and decided to release it same day. fuck mixing, fuck mastering, the beats are from my homie so fuck clearances, im good. this is meant for me to vent, and the people who heard me vent thought it sounded dope and said to release it. so i hope you like it.

released with NOUNOUHAU April 25, 2018

words and lyrics by jouquin fox aka fox

instrumentals by william black aka bivalvia building