004- (Prequel to) Name Philanthropist (EP; 3/2/19)- Name Philanthropist (Will Black & Jouquin Fox)


01- BBDINGDONGwentthroughaPORTAL!!

02- Jello Pyramids

03- Different Lens, Different Heads (Chrysalis)

04- Life Happens

05- Swimming

06- MIC Check

self-released January 2nd 2019. Created over a weekend in November 2018, with BBDINGDONG (Will Black) sending me beats I'd rap on and send back. The final track on the project contains both of us rapping, and maybe one other track. Vintage fox for sure.

2019- first release of the month of January, my birth month. this is being released on my birthday actually. what this is, is a collection of songs made within a time-span of about a week, and sets the tone for this month's releases. it's called "prequel to 'name philanthropist', which means the prequel to the rest" and is by the hip-hop group "name philanthropist". it is their first official release. name philanthropist is BBDINGDONG, Willy Black, fox, Vellum Bristol, and the denominator Velocity. This first EP by them tells the story of how they met, and how they discovered the power of Velocity. 

More details

The story goes as follows:

BBDINGDONG and Willy Black were previous acquaintances from Willy's own solo stories (see williameverettcrocodile.bandcamp.com/ for more stories of the two, and more entities), and on the way to the MOON TUNE STINKA, BBDINGDONG fell into a portal to find fox meditating inside Vellum Bristol (or Vellum Bristol meditating inside of fox...?see nounouhau.bandcamp.com/album/fox-and…gained-within for the story of them right before the meeting) and they hit it off. BBDINGDONG proved a worthy environment for fox to flow in, and the mysterious Willy Black even tweeted his lines of madness. during the first visits, a revelation of an ancient universal denominator was made, and the only word fox used to describe the insight was "Velocity", and thus the power was named. within the course of nineteen days, the four entities that create 4/5th's of what we will soon know as "name philanthropist" asked questions and experimented with this force. They learned that it originated from a brown cloak on an unnamed wizard's body, and is the speed of the universe, the key to releasing and oppressing power, and unlocking it's potential is the key to maneuvering universes... so they stuck the key in.