006- Scabbed Over Stars On My Ex-Haired Chest (LP; 4/10/20) - Jouquin Fox

01- Her Director's Cut Psalms 
02- A Supermarket Somewhere In The Andromeda Galaxy (ft. Rhys Langston)
03- [untitled] IN FIRE!!
04- Carpet
05- American Nightmare
06- In the Garage
07- I Don't Think Holiday Joy Is Found At The Container Store
08- U Pondering? (DOOM WORMHOLE)
09- Eagle Herbs and Verbs (ft. Sleep Sinatra)
10- BIG SHIT POPPERS (ft. Name Philanthropist)
11- No Fertilizer // Wichita
12- Smart Water Is Flavored Now
13- Escapism and Phenomena
scabbed over stars on my ex-haired chest

created during August 2019 - April 2020
though, composted material used is infinite.

More details

dedicated to:
too many people, gone and alive. my grandma most importantly was on my mind, who died today four years ago. the support circle at arms length:
Dad, Theresa, Zane, Uncle Ion, Oaky, Aidah, Dunzo, Avandre, Daniel, Will, Nina, Offsite, Marty, Cuna, Tevin, Rhys, Sleep, Diogo, Heche, NoGuano. probably forgetting people, as we always do in these instances. thank you for putting up with my shit:
inconsistent schedules, frustrating demeanor at times, annoyances, and weird questioning. I love you all.

self-released April 10, 2020

all lyrics and music by jouquin fox / Vellum Bristol with features listed below:

01- ft. Daniel Willis on Piano for the Merry Pranksters
02- ft. Rhys Langston on Vocals
03- ft. Player Dois Production
04- ft. Player Dois Production
06- ft. Heche / DJ ABSENT FATHER
07- ft. Player Dois Production
08- ft. MF DOOM Vocal Sample
09- ft. Sleep Sinatra on Vocals
10- ft. Will Black / Name Philanthropist on Vocals
12- ft. Cunabear / sp00ks Production
13- ft. Daniel Willis on Piano for the Merry Pranksters